Journal Entry 2

Date: 22. 4. 2024


  • Upgrading my Project B
  • Making a presentation on Project B


I made some small changes based on my classmates' opinions and pieces of advice. For example, I adjusted some of the lighting because in the final build it looked quite messy. Additionally, I added door at the end of the level that only opens after killing the enemies there. Moreover, I have to admit again that the labs where we discussed Project B were really nice and useful. They helped us see what was clear for us, the developers, and what was difficult for others who played the game for the first time.

Invested hours:

Project B - 1 hour

Presentation - 45 minutes


Build of the game as a .zip file and a presentation as PDF file


projectB_uramova.pdf 522 kB
Apr 22, 2024 105 MB
Apr 22, 2024

Get Project B

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