Journal Entry 2

Date: 5. 3. 2024


- 2D Game Kit - Creating a new level


I found navigating the Unity editor a bit challenging at first, particularly locating the right scene lighting. However, I got used to it and in some time, it became much easier.

Creating my own level was fun and enjoyable, I followed all the steps in the 2D game kit tutorial and I tried to use all the main things mentioned there (such as moving platforms, pushable boxes, etc.) and my creativity.

It was a really good idea to let us create our own level!

Invested hours:

Exploring 2D Game Kit, Zones 1 - 5 and Unity editor: 1 hour

Creating my own level: 3 hours


Build of the game with the new level as a .zip file.

Files 78 MB
Mar 05, 2024

Get Project T

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